Super Ways To Tackle Termites In Wooden Furniture
If you are still worried about termite attacks, then I will help you by giving you the best tips to keep your wooden furniture free from rodents. Either you contact carpentry companies in Sydney or follow the tips mentioned below. You will be surprised to know that there is nothing more dangerous than a termite attack on wooden furniture. So, without delay start reading this blog from the beginning till the end thoroughly. The very first thing you need to do is to make a cardboard trap that will be made with cellulose and provide a woody smell that attracts termites. Moisten it with water to create the smell more noticeable, and place it near the affected area. The termites are drawn out to the open cardboard box within a few hours. To get rid of termites in wooden furniture, throw it out or burn it. Orange and neem oils are also very effective. The former contains a compound known as d-limonene, which can easily kill termites when it comes into contact with them. However, once term